Brewed – Gimp Biscuit

Today I brewed the first version of my “Gimp Biscuit” E.S.B.  Went very well- hit all of my mash and gravity numbers dead-on.  More details after I do the math (or, more precisely, plug my results into BeerSmith and have it do the math).

Still having trouble getting the wort chilled quickly.  Could be that my 25′ immersion chiller just isn’t up to the task of cooling down a 5-gallon boil in summertime…

Yeast Starter

Created a 1L starter for the Safeale S-04 that I’ll used with the “Gimp Biscuit” I’m brewing tomorrow.

I love this yeast!  Very short lag, fast-as-hell fermentation, and flocculates like a pound of cement…

I know that using a starter with dry yeast is frowned upon, but I’ve had very good success doing so.